Captimise presentation at the European Conference on Carbon Capture, Storage and Reuse
May 22, 2023
European Conference on Carbon Capture, Storage and Reuse took place in Copenhagen in May 2023 and we had the opportunity to not only participate but as well present our scope of work when it comes to feasibility studies covering the whole CCUS value chain.
Our team member Jasmine Nordenström gave an introduction on how to initiate a project including establishing the project roadmap, milestones and a realistic date of operation. She also addressed the importance of selecting a carbon capture technology based on key performance indicators i.e. capture rate, energy requirement (steam/electricity), cooling and heat recovery options, footprint and layout, start/stop and turndown capacities, chemical usage and waste products to mention a few of all the aspects that we consider in our technology screening studies.
We help our customers to compare different capture technologies and transportation solutions.
To download our presentation material handout for the conference, click HERE.
Check out what we do for more information about our studies.