
30 potential carbon sinks using BECCS

March 4, 2021

Negative emission technologies (NETs) includes a variety of different approaches for removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. One of the most promising technologies for retrofitting existing production plants is combining bioenergy sources with carbon capture and storage (BECCS).

In general, integrating BECCS at larger plants is the most cost-effective alternative. The total capital cost per each ton of captured CO2 decreases with an increasing emission source.

Looking at the last decade in Sweden ~30 plants emitted <300 000 tonnes of biogenic CO2 yearly, adding up to about 25-28 Mt/year as shown in the figure below. The emissions originate primarily from:

  1. Pulp and paper production
  2. Combined heat and electricity generation (biomass)
  3. Combined heat and electricity generation (municipal solid waste)

These plants have, due to their size and CO2 origin, the potential to remove about 50% of Sweden’s territorial emissions according to data from the Swedish EPA - Sveriges officiella statistik.

A diagrame of low carbon dioxide.

Total of biogenic CO2 emission (Mt/year) from the 30 largest plants within pulp&paper, CHP and WTE in Sweden between 2009-2019.

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