About the CO2 Logistic Study
Once captured the carbon dioxide need to be handled - it could either be utilized in bio-fuel production, stored permanently or a combination of both. All options calls for investigation of temporarily storage and transportation solutions which we at Captimise have been working with for several years in a multitude of feasibility studies.
Our logistic study identifies the optimal solution regarding liquefaction and buffer storage and we compare transportation alternatives including shipping routes and contracting, starting from the local conditions at a plant.
We are in constant dialogue with the storage sites in Europe and provide up to date information regarding shipping. We help our customers identify the most cost-efficient solution for their carbon dioxide value chain from capture to final storage.
Our Logistic Study includes the following deliverables (as a standard), and additional objectives can be included to customize the study to meet our customers own needs:
This could be a sensitivity analysis, pooling options with other emitters in part, or specific constraints at site or in port etc.