Pre Feasibility study

The Pre Feasibility study

The purpose of a pre feasibility study is to investigate the suitability of different concepts for full-chain carbon capture and storage based on the local site situation. The pre feasibility study includes technology comparisons based on established KPIs and cost estimates. Other aspects such as HSE, waste management, financing and permits are also included in the study.

Plant Specification

The pre feasibility study will identify project showstoppers and establish the optimal design concept from capture to final storage or utilization.

Captimise is often engaged in pre feasibility studies as technical and logistic experts or as sub-consultants while a local engineering company execute the study. Captimise performs the necessary actions for technology comparison for the whole value chain including capture, liquefaction, buffer storage, loading terminal(s), transportation and storage/utilisation.

A flow chart for minor carbon dioxide emissions.

Our technology comparison

Our technology comparison is based on following aspects (as a standard) together with additional site specific KPIs:

  • Balance of plant capacities
  • Site specifications
  • Heat and Mass balance calculations
  • Footprint requirements
  • TRL and Suppliers
  • Capex and Opex estimates (AACE class 4)

We evaluate the technical and logistical aspects of the CCUS value chain and provide the pre feasibility study project with following deliverables (as a standard):

  • Host plant and site specification
  • Heat and Mass balance calculations for net energy outputs
  • Estimated footprint at host plant site and harbour
  • Transportation options from site to harbour
  • Shipping and permanent storage options
  • Cost estimates for each capture technology and transportation option (ACCE level 4-5)

If you want to find out more about pre feasibility studies for CCUS or engage us as a partner in your CCUS project please do not hesitate to contact us at

Chart with numbers.

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